Tuesday, October 2, 2007

WWF in Second Life

Ever wondered what life would be like on a desert island?

Well nothing will have prepared you for this!

Pack your virtual suitcase and head for Conservation Island, a place where an orangutan will sell you an ice cream and a floating panda will be your friend.
Mr Tangee is our orangutan who runs the ice cream van. If you are game for interacting with a great orange ape, then go meet him and learn how the plantations that produce the same palm oil which you can find in your everyday life, from ice cream to cosmetics and chocolate bars, are threatening his forest home.

Or visit other places on the island where you can
befriend a panda who will keep you informed about the latest environmental news,
explore a town powered by a pinwheel (and where you can get a mini one yourself)
Or why not simply
roam through ancient forests
spot all the animals
fly round the jagged mountains
wander among the colourful coral reefs
It's all new and it's all happening on Conservation Island, WWF's strangest home in the virtual world of Second Life...

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